Incorporating the Simple Living Review, the Preparedness & Self-Reliance Review, as well as the Outdoor & Survival Review

Cookie Jar Savings

Would you like to have a nest egg for emergencies? Here’s an old-fashioned savings plan that does not put a strain on your budget. Many a grandmother used to call it her “cookie jar fund.” It’s a simple and easy-to-do plan, and over a one-year period, it really adds up.

If, every day, for a year, say, one would place one's pocket change plus $1 in a mason jar the results would be rather noticeable. Here is how it adds up if you faithfully contribute every day:

Amount per day = one-year total:
$1.25 = $456.25
$1.50 = $547.50
$2 = $730
$3 = $1,095

Even if only the loose change per day is used it already makes for a considerable next egg. I do that all the time – that's why I never have any change in my pocket of a morning – in that every time that I come back from the stores or from going out I place the “silver” change in a jar to save for a nest egg and all copper change goes into another jar. The latter is for the Romani work that I do, as a means of showing that this, if everyone of our People would do that, a sizeable sum could be had at the end of the year with which to work for the cause.

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