Incorporating the Simple Living Review, the Preparedness & Self-Reliance Review, as well as the Outdoor & Survival Review

Wake-up, we are in a depression

by Michael Smith

We are being told again and again presently that we are not in a depression but this is just a recession and that it this recession is going to be over latest by next year. Sure, and on an airfield nearby a squadron of pigs is preparing for takeoff.

So how many jobs must be lost in how short of a period of time to make a depression? How big a loss of consumer spending to make a depression? How many business closkings to make a depression? How many other area's of the economy have to suffer sudden sever loss to make a depression?

According to some sources, such as Panjiva, a firm that analyzes information drawn from shipping manifests filed with US Customs, said the number of global suppliers actively serving the US market fell from 22,099 in July to just 6,262 in October, a decline of more than 70 per cent.

In China, government statistics estimate that at least 67,000 factories across all sectors closed during the first half of the year.

US November Unemployment figures state that November 2008 added 533,000 + to the 320,000 and 403,000 of October and September 2008 respectively. This make 1,256,000 jobs lost in the last three months up to December 2008.

Will the US lose 1 Million jobs per month in 2009? The way things are going at present this might just be the case.

Is that still not bad enough for them to acknowledge that we are in a depression and no longer just a recession, if the latter would not be bad enough already?

This all raises a lot of questions, does it not?

Why? Why so drastic a drop?

Why the sudden rush of business closing, layoffs?

It is hard to believe this all started with a so called "housing" bust. How could one facet of the economy affect all the rest? It would rather appear that the housing bust was one of the latests signs of this.

If the rush of closings, layoffs continue, many, millions will be homeless and penniless. What happens then?

Also, when I look at this with the eyes of someone who does not generally and necessarily accept everything just the way it may appear then I see that somehow things are strange and so not really add up.

Are they really going to tell us that no one noticed the hosing bubble and the bank problems and that it could not have been dealt with before? It could have been handles before but, it would appear that the collapse was something that was intended to happen.

I know that I may look at things strangely, as some of my readers, I am sure, will have noticed, but it makes sense. For, if you want to reorganize the world, so to speak, and where people work and how and where they live and how, you will have to tear down the fabric first to make things easier. And this is what they have done and are doing.

They allow the collapse, the intervene where it suits, and then... well, I guess we have to wait a little longer for that installment of this story.

But, look at it this way. If they can rearrange where the businesses are and where everyone lives – ideally, as they see it, near the factories and businesses – they can then control us all far better. Am I that far off? I think not.

Food for thought...

Let's just be careful outside, keep our powder dry and watch our six.

© M Smith (Veshengro), December 2008

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